Big Sunday is the big equalizer in my book - it brings people together in service to others - I cannot imagine a greater mission.
Big Sunday was the brain child of Founder and Executive Director, David Levinson, beginning in 1999 as a Mitzvah Day Project at his Temple (Mitzvah meaning good deed as a way to repair the world) and with 200 volunteers that day, David imagined a much bigger purpose and embarked on opportunities to share giving back with 1000s of volunteers and in 2006, David was named California Nonprofit Leader of the Year. By 2009, Big Sunday had 50,000 volunteers participating in 500 projects that include numerous nonprofits, schools - the list has grown incredibly long as has the number of volunteers and projects and not only in California, but has truly gone viral, but in a very physical - get out there and help WAY.
There is something for everyone
Big Sunday connects people through helping. They offer an enormous variety of opportunities and projects that unite people to improve lives, build community, and give everyone a sense of belonging.
Their mission is simple and yet truly profound in that the magic formula is a combination of both building community and a sense of belonging that I believe everyone wants and deserves. To quote David, "Everyone wants to help if someone will only tell them how" Big Sunday does just that…