October 18, 2024

Small & Gutsy features the Boys & Girls Club of Hollywood

When the typical person thinks of Hollywood, they think of fame & fortune, the whirlwind of celebrities, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the celebrity hand and foot cement impressions, Groman’s Chinese theatre, The Hollywood sign, and many more iconic symbols of glamor, representing the rich and famous…there is another part of Hollywood though, the real people who live there, and some of those real people are disadvantaged and marginalized, and don’t often have the opportunity to reach their potential. If they are given that opportunity to fulfill their goals by living up to their potential, they will become contributing members of their community; this community that cares about sustaining their people’s future. One of the ways to do that is to focus on youth, ages 6-17, and to instill the belief that they can do anything. Whatever it takes to build great futures is the mantra of one very special organization that is also quite iconic.

Since 1937, the Boys & Girls Club of Hollywood has provided a safe haven for children to discover, learn, lead, and succeed. It was known then as the Boys Club of America, designed to give boys and young men a ‘fighting chance’ to be successful. There is a tremendous amount of history that leads up to 1987, at which point the name was changed to include girls as it was recognized that girls needed that same fighting chance as their male counterparts.

The Boys and Girls Club of Hollywood’s mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring adults.

The Boys & Girls Club fills the gap between school and home. With so many distractions that can have negative impacts on our youth, this is one organization that gets it right; they inspire their young participants through education and empowerment.

Contributing to quality education allows for learning and leadership opportunities; there are numerous programs that enhance the lives of the many young members: Girls empowerment, coding, the READS program which stands for Reading Excellence Always Delivers Success, anti-bullying program, the UCLA music program, the Tietjen scholarship program, Great Futures, and I am sure our guest today will fill us in on all of the activities that take place at the Boys & Girls Club of Hollywood.


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