February 20, 2024

Small & Gutsy features MLK50

Journalists and those who represent news platforms are generally trained to report on factual information; in a recent visit to the Shorenstein Institute, I was exposed to the incredible work they do to ensure that journalists have tools to accurately interpret the information that is coming at them so quickly - most journalists, I believe, care deeply about interpreting the facts correctly, however, some platforms purposely misconstrue or actually reconfigure facts to support their financial backer’s agenda - thus, creating a conflict of personal and professsional values. There is hope, however, in that some organizations will not settle for this and fight to recalibrate information and resources; one such organization does this and much more - MLK50 was created for the benefit of those who have historically had less access, in essence, to revitalize Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream.

MLK50 has since its inception, created an award-winning nonprofit digital news site - BRAVO!

Having launched in 2017 as a 1-year project to reconcile the lack of commitment to Dr. Martin Luther King’s sacrifice and legacy by reporting on the intersection of poverty, power and policy, and to bear witness to movement-making and lived experiences. Their vision echoes Dr. King’s dream of having a nation where all residents have the resources to thrive and where public and private policy supports their success. Memphis is one lucky city, and I hope MLK50 becomes a model for other cities and their local news - MLK50 doesn’t just represent acknowledgment, but truth; Justice through Journalism gives residents the information by examining the systems that make it hard for workers to make ends meet and by interrogating those who profit from the status quo.

To learn more, visit www.mlk50.com

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