September 13, 2022

Small & Gutsy Features Cycle of Lives

David Richman's incredible journey across the U.S and much more

Our focus is on Cycle of Lives, a nonprofit started in 2013, and its inspiring project that resulted in a recently published book that David authored as a result of his 5,000-mile solo 6-week bike journey across the country, from Los Angeles to Florida to New York, linking 15 people, all impacted by cancer in different ways: patient, survivor, loved-one, researcher or caregiver. His book focuses on the emotional experience of cancer for each of the folks he interviewed - his gift is to give the rest of us not just a bird’s eye view into his interviewees’ lives impacted by cancer but lessons in resilience, fortitude, and being present as reflections of our own emotional vulnerability. 

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We are a podcast series that offers our listeners the opportunity to learn about the smaller, less known nonprofits and social impact organizations with revenues $10 million and under.
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